

时间:2024-07-12 11:43来源:编辑

📌Important Tips for Traveling in Guizhou

  • 👉Book hotels 2-3 weeks in advance to avoid inconvenience.
  • 👉Check the closing time of scenic spots and plan your itinerary accordingly.
  • 👉Be aware of the markers while walking through the underground passages in Guizhou.
  • 👉Carry an umbrella as it rains frequently in Guizhou and protects you against harmful UV rays.
  • 👉Most of the food in Guizhou includes cilantro (it's a similar taste as soap!). If you don't like it, notify the restaurant beforehand.
  • 👉Bring warm clothing as the temperature fluctuates, especially on your way to scenic spots.
  • 👉The UV rays are strong in Guizhou all year round. Hence, take necessary precautions against sunburn.
  • 👉Wear comfortable sports shoes instead of high heels since Guizhou has numerous mountain attractions.
  • 👉Keep medication for motion sickness handy as some scenic spots are at a considerable distance and may lead to motion sickness.
  • 👉Don't go to Qinyan Ancient Town in the evening as most of its shops close, and you may miss several delicious cuisines.
  • 👉Be cautious while shopping in commercial areas as some items are fake, and vendors may deceive you.
  • 👉Avoid carrying large luggage as Guizhou has mountainous terrain, and scenic spots have complex paths. Use storage facilities at hotels or scenic spots, respectively.
  • 👉Don't trust strangers easily as some may attempt to deceive you, particularly when they recommend specific restaurants. They're most likely a tout.
  • 👉Avoid taking black taxis outside airports or railway stations as they tend to charge a higher price without meter readings.
  • 👉Check the weather forecast before visiting Dongshan Temple to watch the sunset and plan accordingly.
  • 👉Local food in Guizhou is predominantly spicy. When locals say it's not spicy, it may still be spicy for outsiders. Be prepared!
  • 👉Be respectful of the customs and traditions followed by the ethnic minorities in Guizhou.