

时间:2024-08-29 16:17来源:编辑

Image of Fengjing Dingti

Introduction to Fengjing Dingti

Fengjing Dingti is a traditional Han dish in Shanghai. It has a unique taste of "fragrance" when eaten cold and "glutinousness" when steamed. The soup is rich and oily, the color is bright, and the taste is balanced. The ingredients are carefully selected, emphasizing that they are fresh and lively, while seasonings are good at using salt, sugar, lees, and vinegar. One of the famous dishes, "Red Braised Huiyu Fish," cleverly uses heat to highlight the original taste. It has bright red color, thick sauce, tender and fatty meat, and a high reputation.

What is the Nutritional Value of Fengjing Dingti?

Pig elbow: Pig trotters are very nutritious and contain a lot of protein, especially a large amount of collagen, which, like pig skin, is a dietary tonic that can nourish and moisturize the skin, and promote a healthy body. Pig elbow is sweet and salty, and has a mild nature. It has the functions of nourishing blood vessels, nourishing the skin, replenishing kidney essence, and strengthening the waist and legs.

What are the Product Features of Fengjing Dingti?

The color is dark red and shiny. When eaten hot, it is crispy but not overcooked, and when eaten cold, it is fragrant and delicious. The meat is delicate and tender, and the soup is rich and not greasy. It is very delicious and can be eaten for a long time without getting tired.

What is the History of Fengjing Dingti?

1. "Fengjing" is a small town in Jinshan District of Shanghai, originally named "Bainiu Village." Legend has it that there was a Jinshi surnamed Chen in the Song Dynasty who served as the county magistrate of Shanyin, but was later dismissed from office. He lived in seclusion here and called himself "Bai Zhong Jushi." Because of his integrity throughout his life, people changed the name of Bainiu Village to "Qingfengjing" and then to "Fengjing."

2. "Fengjing Dingti" is related to the "Ding Yixing Hotel" in this town. In 1852 (the second year of the Xianfeng reign of the Qing Dynasty), two brothers surnamed Ding opened a hotel called "Ding Yixing" in the Zhangjiqiao area of ​​this town. The business was still okay, but it did not meet the brothers’ desire to expand and make money. In order to further open up the situation and expand business, the Ding brothers set their sights on Fengjing pig trotters. Fengjing pigs are famous Taihu breeds. They have thin skin, white meat, moderate fat and lean meat, and are cooked as soon as they are boiled. The Ding brothers took the hind trotters, and when cooking, used Jiaxing Yaofu Shun’s three sets of sun-dried soy sauce, Shaoxing old cellar wine, Suzhou Guiyuanzhai rock sugar, and appropriate amounts of cloves, cinnamon, and ginger, etc. They were simmered and cooked over a firewood fire. After it was cooked, the appearance was complete, the color was dark red and shiny, and it was crispy when eaten hot and fragrant when eaten cold. The meat was tender and the soup was not greasy. It was very delicious and people liked it a lot, which they named "Ding trotters." Ding trotters refer to "red braised pig trotters" specially made by Ding Yixing Deli. Because the shopkeeper's surname is Ding, it is named "Ding trotters."

How to Make Fengjing Dingti?

Fengjing Dingti uses four pig trotters from local Fengjing pigs as raw materials, and they go through 8 processes such as trimming the shape of the trotters, blanching, plucking, simmering, adding seasonings, and removing bones.

1. Remove the hair and wash the Fengjing pig trotter thoroughly. Remove the bone and blanch in boiling water to remove impurities. Evenly trim the trotters;

2. Place the pig trotters in a pot, pour in water or old brine, add soy sauce, rock sugar, yellow wine, cloves, cinnamon, and ginger slices, and boil on high heat first, then simmer over low heat. The pig trotters will become crispy and cooked and the original sauce will soak into the inner layer of the trotters;

3. When taking it out of the pot, after boiling over high heat to thicken the sauce, add MSG and remove the residue of cloves, cinnamon, and ginger, and wrap the sauce tightly around the pig trotters to marinate;

4. When serving, slice it and put it on a plate.

Process tips:

1. During the cooking process, the oil film and debris must be skimmed off to keep the trotters clean and prevent the pot from being crusted;

2. The soup should be sufficient, and it should be enough to cover the pig trotters;

3. The spices can be put in a cloth bag and put into the pot. Remove the spice bag before thickening the sauce;

4. The old brine can be preserved. During the preservation period, ingredients should be added regularly to boil the brine to prevent decay and deterioration.

Awards and Honors of Fengjing Dingti

From 1852 (the second year of the Xianfeng reign of the Qing Dynasty) to 1899 (the 25th year of the Guangxu reign of the Qing Dynasty), Fengjing Dingti had a sales market all over Shanghai, Hangzhou and surrounding areas. It was sold to the markets of Southeast Asia, Europe, and America, and won awards and certificates from more than 20 countries and regions. In 1910 (the second year of the Xuantong reign of the Qing Dynasty), "Ding trotters" won the Nanjing Industry and Commerce Association's commendation silver medal, and the Governor of Zhejiang Province gave an award certificate. "Ding trotters" also won gold medals at the Panama International Expo and the Leipzig Expo in Germany, respectively.

In the year of Xuantong (1909), the Qing court approved the establishment of the first Nanjing Industry and Commerce Association organized by China, and encouraged businesses from all over the country to "select fine products and actively participate in competitions." Fengjing Dingti participated in this event and won the Nanjing Industry and Commerce Association's commendation silver medal in 1910. In 1915, it participated in the Panama International Expo and won a gold medal. In 1926, it won the first prize in the Philadelphia World Expo. In 1935, it won the gold medal in the Leipzig Expo in Germany. It has participated in various exhibitions in more than 20 countries. In 1993, it was awarded the title of "China Time-honored Brand" by the Ministry of Domestic Trade of the People's Republic of China, and in 1997, it won the silver medal at the 25th Geneva International Invention and New Technology Exhibition.

Fengjing Dingti
