

时间:2024-08-30 12:34来源:编辑

Picture of Xia Sha Shaomai

Introduction to Xia Sha Shaomai

Xia Sha Shaomai is a delicious traditional Han Chinese snack that belongs to the Shanghai cuisine. It originated in the Ming Dynasty and is a popular dessert in the South Pu Dong Nan Hui region. The dough is hand-rolled using a special rolling pin, and the savory version is filled with fresh spring bamboo shoots, fresh meat, and secret pork jelly sauce. The sweet version contains fillings such as red bean paste, walnut meat, melon seed meat, and aged tangerine peel. The bamboo shoot and meat version is the most popular. In 2011, the making of Xia Sha Shaomai was included in the Non-material Cultural Heritage List of Pu Dong New Area. With increasing online exposure, Xia Sha Shaomai has become well-known among people around the world.

What are the nutritional benefits of Xia Sha Shaomai?

Xia Sha Shaomai looks like a peach blossom ready to bloom. When eaten hot, the red bean paste filling is delicate, sweet, and fragrant. The bamboo shoot and meat filling is especially delicious, with a mouthful of soup when bitten, making it a tasty treat that whets the appetite.

What is the history behind Xia Sha Shaomai?

Xia Sha Shaomai has a long history, dating back to the Ming Dynasty. During the Jianyan period of the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1130 A.D.), the imperial court built a salt field and salt supervision agency in the Xia Sha community of the current Pu Dong Hangtou town (formerly called Hesha town), ushering in a prosperous era. However, the prosperity also attracted the invasion of Japanese pirates. By the 16th century, the Japanese pirates frequently raided Xia Sha, causing great resentment among the local people. When the imperial court sent troops to fight the Japanese pirates in Xia Sha, the local people welcomed them warmly. To reward the soldiers, the people used exquisite sweets to show their appreciation. As there were many soldiers, local people kneaded dough and added meat and bamboo shoots, which were in season, into the filling. They then steamed it in a bamboo steamer to create a new type of snack that is neither a wonton nor a dumpling. Soldiers loved the new delicacy and asked what it was called. The locals came up with the witty response, "Burning while selling." Thus, Xia Shaomai got its name.

Ever since, "Xia Shaomai" has been sold as a seasonal snack in the spring.

After the liberation, there were twelve restaurants and pastry shops in Xia Sha town that sold Xia Shaomai. After public-private partnerships, Xia Shaomai became the signature dish of Xia Sha restaurants.

After the reform and opening up, South Pu Dong Nan Hui held the Shanghai Peach Blossom Festival, and Xia Shaomai makers established more than ten sales points for their specialty products. Xia Shaomai became one of the key tourist products during the Shanghai Peach Blossom Festival. Tourists who have tried Xia Shaomai have nothing but praise for it:

Steamed with soup-filled bamboo shoots, Sugar sand, sweet to the soul. Popular among domestic and foreign guests, Want to eat it every spring. Satisfied the eyes and mouth, The aroma of peach blossom and Xia Shaomai.

How to Make Xia Sha Shaomai

Step 1. Blanch bamboo in boiling water for 2-3 minutes to remove astringency, chop into small pieces.

Step 2. Marinate fresh meat and seasoning with ginger water until well mixed. How much ginger water to add? Add enough to turn the mixture into soup. First add seasoning and stir well, then add the ginger water, a little at a time, to make the soup.

Step 3. Crush the pork jelly in a grinder, taking care that the temperature of the grinder and knife is high, which could cause it to get slippery or melt. We recommend using a food processor.

Step 4. Mix the pork jelly with the fresh meat and bamboo pieces until well combined.

Step 5. Knead the flour with hot water to form a dough.

Step 6. Let the dough rest for 10-15 minutes and then roll it into a strip.

Step 7. Cut the dough into small pieces.

Step 8. Roll the dough into thin skin with an olive rolling pin.

Step 9. Wrap the filling like a flower.

Step 10. Steam in boiling water for 7 minutes.

Picture of Xia Sha Shaomai
