

时间:2024-08-31 14:34来源:编辑

Donggang Chestnuts

Introduction to Donggang Chestnuts

Chestnuts are an advantageous economic tree species in Donggang. The natural conditions are favorable for the production of chestnuts in Dandong (Donggang). The area and output account for more than 90% of the province. Donggang chestnuts belong to the Japanese chestnut system and are suitable for the taste requirements of the Japanese market. Chestnut flesh accounts for 30% of the Japanese market. Chestnut production has become a pillar industry for mountainous farmers to become rich.

What is the nutritional value of Donggang chestnuts?

Chestnuts, along with plums, apricots, peaches, and dates, are known as the "Five Fruits." They contain rich nutrients, including protein at 5.7%-10.7%, fat at 2.7%, and sugar and starch at around 65%. They also contain various vitamins and minerals. Chestnuts are not only nutritious, but also have the effect of treating diseases and keeping fit. The fruit, bract, leaves, and bark of chestnuts can all be used as medicine. Chestnuts are sweet and warm in taste and enter the spleen, stomach, and kidney meridians. They can tonify the spleen and stomach, strengthen the kidney and muscles, invigorate blood circulation, and stop bleeding. They can be used for chronic diarrhea caused by spleen and stomach deficiency and lumbago and leg weakness caused by kidney deficiency.

What are the product features of Donggang chestnuts?

Donggang chestnuts are reddish-brown in color, bright and shiny. They have a regular and uniform shape, a smooth and shiny shell, and a fragrant, sweet and delicious kernel. Chestnuts can be eaten raw or cooked.

How did Donggang chestnuts come about?

Donggang chestnuts have a rich cultural heritage. On the wedding day of young men and women, the elders sew a few chestnuts into the bride's bedding, taking the homophone "li zi," meaning "to give birth to children," as a symbol of carrying on the family line and celebrating the happy occasion.

How to make Donggang chestnuts?

Chestnut and Pig Kidney Porridge

Take 10 chestnuts (or 30g), chew on an empty stomach every morning, and then eat pig kidney rice porridge.

It is from the ancient "Experience Formula." Tao Hongjing of the Liang Dynasty said: "It is said that someone suffered from weak waist and legs. Eating several sheng of chestnuts under the chestnut tree can make them get up and go. This is the meaning of supplementing the kidneys, but it should be eaten raw." Sun Simiao also said: "Eating them raw is very effective in treating waist and leg weakness." Therefore, this formula is used as a major medicine. Pig kidneys are also used to assist the medicinal power. It is used for kidney deficiency, lumbago, and leg weakness.

Chestnut Braised Pork

Take 250g of chestnuts and 500g of lean pork (cut into pieces). Stir-fry with some cooking oil, salt, soybean sauce, and Sichuan peppercorns. Add soy sauce and brown sugar, stir-fry evenly, add water, and stew until the chestnuts are cooked. Serve over several meals.
